Hello All! My favorite memory as a counter worker was one night we locked the front door about 11:00, and some troublemaker (probably me) went out to buy a big bottle of tequila. There were about six of us, but the only other wrongdoers I remember were Barbara McQueen and Richard Snow. We sat at the little bar area near the kitchen and did multiple fun “tequila puffs” which were more like inhaling amyl nitrate than drinking alcohol. Yeah, we borrowed some of poor Bob and Steve’s Perrier, and pounded the glasses and drank them down. We put a bunch of quarters into the jukebox, which we turned up really loud, turned up the stage lights, got on stage, and danced topless to semi-nude, with passers-by outside cheering and laughing at us. Barbara ended up passed out in the Other Cafe bathroom. I have wondered over the years how Steve and Bob could have put up with some of us.
Who else remembers Mike Bloomfield wearing his bathrobe for his show the week after we Helper-Server Units wore ours at work? Or those cute Other Cafe calendars that someone used to make up every month… Wonderful memories.. See you at the show? 🙂 Tim Cuzzi
My wife I went to the Other many times in the early eighties. I remember all the main players and especially the time that Will Durst did a stand-up marathon and by the second day was snorting coke on stage (or at least going through the motions, can’t verify if it was real). I also remember a female comedian who I initially thought was one of the weirdest people I’d ever seen, named Kat Hollerbach I believe. After seeing her a few times I came to think she was a comedy genius. Never heard about her after that and always wondered what happened to her.